Aaron Jaeger

Robotics Engineer
M.S. Media Arts and Science
MIT Media Lab, Biomechatronics Group, 2021
B.S. Robotics Engineering, WPI, 2017

Portfolio as PDF:

Biomechatronics Overview
MIT Media Lab 2017-2021

Desktop Automated Fiber Placement
MIT Media Lab 2019-2021

Prosthetic Socket Patient Scanner
MIT Media Lab 2017-2019

2.75 Medical Device Design
MIT 2019

NASA Robotic Mining Challenge
WPI 2017

Project Express
MIT Media Lab 2016

WPI-CMU Darpa Robotics Challenge
WPI 2014-2015

2 DOF Robots
MIT 2019, WPI 2016

Robotics Undergrad Courses
WPI 2015-2016

3733 Software Engineering
WPI 2016

The halfway point on my bikeride across America